All women of the church are members of Episcopal Church Women, also known as ECW, although participation is strictly voluntary. The women of Good Shepherd meet as needed, following the church service.  As in most small churches, the ECW also assumes the duties of an altar guild and members serve monthly to prepare the altar for services.

Events supported by the ECW include the annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Easter Egg Hunt, a "Paint Night", a church picnic,a school supply drive in the late summer,  greening of the church and Christmas pageant.  We also provide lunch following our annual congregational meeting.

The January Spaghetti Dinner has become one of our main fundraising efforts.  This January we gave the proceeds of our efforts to a local family whose 3-year-old is awaiting a heart transplant.  The community support was terrific!

A new endeavor this year is an ECW sponsored "Family Game Night and Pot Luck Dinner" to be held on March 22.  We are encouraging the community to participate in this.