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The Rev. William Muller is the Rector of Good Shepherd Church, effective January 15, 2021. We are excited to welcome him and his wife, Cindy, to the area. Liam+ (as he prefers to be called)Liam+ and Cindy make their home in McKenney, VA. Liam+ also serves as Rector of St. Luke's, Blackstone. Good Shepherd welcomes both the new relationships with Liam+ and Cindy as well as the new relationships that will form between the two churches.
Susan B Haynes was Consecrated as Bishop of the Diocese of Southern Virginia on February 1, 2020, in a very moving service. Bishop Susan is the 11th Bishop of the Diocese and the first woman to hold this position in our Diocese. Good Shepherd was honored to have two members participate in the Diocesan Choir which numbered about 200 voices. Members of the congregation also attended the service. More photos are available on the Diocesan Facebook page and a video of the service is also available. See the link below. video